Yes, overpayments are where you pay more than your required monthly repayment. If you inform us in advance of making an overpayment we will apply this to your loan and this will reduce the total amount of interest you pay over the term of your loan and may reduce your loan term. Any overpayment without notice will only change the period over which you repay the loan and will not affect the rate of interest payable or the total amount repayable. If you want to make a lump sum payment, please send a cheque payable to 'MEGA TRUST FINANCE BANK' with your name and loan agreement number written on the back of the cheque to:- MEGA TRUST FINANCE BANK, Customer Services, Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, East London E14 5EU, United kingdom. , United Kingdom.
Or, if you wish to make a payment electronically please use sort code: 126000, account number: 08110052 and quote your agreement number as the reference.